Devil's Highway

Devil's Highway

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Weekend of Reading

...this weekend I was able to read another 20 pages of 'The Devil's Highway', which seems to be getting more interesting as I go along. In this chapter, we are introduced to Don Mio, who is the hock man to get the boys to the coyotes up North. He is the epitome of American life with his large American car, gold jewlery, and big American stomach, most likely filled with American cheesburgers. His job is to recruit men for the smuggler's cartel. He never crosses, but brings the men to the 'frontera'. We are also given a good view of the workings of the human smuggling trade and we are also infored of the Mexican border patrol and how they respect the US border patrol. the one thing they have in common is the idea of their governments not being able to stop this. Many of the Mexican agents respect certain American border patrol agents. The book also describes that there are Mexican border patrol, but no one ever sees them because the cartels pay them off. we are also given a detailed description on the routes leading up to the crossing, different areas of the actual border, and the terrain that lies ahead in the United States. What is most amazing is that crossing stops have been popping up all over the Mexican border, where the immigrants begin their walks. I am looking forward to continuing with this book toward the middle to end of this week. I will keep you posted...

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